Be Healthy, Avoid Cold Disease

Health Desk, Delhi Magazine: Winter is approaching in Delhi, and January is known for being a particularly harsh and cold month. While in December we may hesitate before bathing, now we must also be cautious when washing our hands. Nowadays, many people are affected by colds and viruses. There are a few things that are highly beneficial during winter:

  1. Daily Exercise: Take walks and exercise regularly, preferably both in the morning and evening. Exercise helps in staying warm and promotes better sleep.
  2. Use Boiled Water: Avoid cold water; always opt for boiled water for drinking and other purposes.
  3. Wash Your Hands Regularly.
  4. Stay Happy: Create a pleasant environment, engage with pets, and do activities that bring joy.
  5. Cough Syrup: Keep cough syrup at home as a precaution. If one family member has a cough, it can easily spread to others. Every doctor recommends having cough syrup available.
  6. Consult a Doctor: Cold and flu should not be taken lightly as they can affect your entire family. If you experience symptoms, consult a qualified doctor. Avoid self-diagnosis.

These measures will help in staying healthy and enjoying a comfortable winter season.

Delhi Magazine Team

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