Delhi Water Minister Atishi Ends Fast Due to Fear of Health Concerns

Atishi from aam admi party

Delhi Desk, Delhi Magazine: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has announced the end of Delhi’s Water Minister Atishi’s fast. AAP leader Sanjay Singh informed that Atishi’s health had deteriorated due to her fast, leading to her hospitalization. Doctors have indicated that her condition could worsen, posing a serious risk to her life. Consequently, AAP leaders decided to end her fast after thorough discussions.

Atishi, who had been on an indefinite fast demanding the release of water for the national capital, was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday morning following a significant decline in her health. The ruling Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi provided this update.

AAP communicated via a post on ‘X’ that the minister had been admitted to the emergency ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of Lok Nayak (LNJP) Hospital. The party stated, “Water Resources Minister Atishi’s health deteriorated. Her sugar level dropped to 43 at midnight and further to 36 at 3 am, prompting doctors at LNJP hospital to recommend her immediate hospitalization.”

Atishi had not consumed any food for the last five days as part of her indefinite fast, which she began on June 21, demanding that the Haryana government release Delhi’s share of water. She is currently in the emergency ICU at LNJP, and the party is praying for her speedy recovery.

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